Thursday, February 28, 2013


Only a dreamer

Only a Dreamer 

Poem by Chartist poet John Bedford Leno 

Only a dreamer, only a dreamer, 
Pass him by, pass him by; Why should we trouble our heads about him? 
You and I.
 Let the fool dream that the world will alter, Get wiser and better, in rhythm and rhyme;
 Come away Harry, come away Walter, 
The world only moves at its own set time. 
Keep to the pathway, keep to the pathway, It will do, it will do;
 Why should we seek for newer and better, I and you.
 Let the poor work out their own salvation, Get freer and better as best they may, 
We will keep step with the bulk of the nation, Unmindful of those who may fall by the way. There is no danger, there is no danger, 
Let him cry, let him cry; Why should we trouble our heads about him, You and I. 
Let the fool cherish his visioned tomorrow, 
And fill in his pictures with rhythm and rhyme, Careless of grief, and careless of sorrow, 
The world only moves at its own set time. 
List to the dreamer: List to the dreamer! Calling us back! Calling us back! 
In tones that are stirred by sudden danger: 
Death on your track! Death on your track! 
Swift as the wind,for your own salvation, Fly for your life, as best you may;
 The dreamers of dreams are the kings of the nation, The scorned of the scorners of yesterday.

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